New name, same purpose:

Mill Cities Community Investments + Foundation for Business Equity have become Nectar Community Investments.

Energy Saver Home Loan Program

Nectar Logomark

Climate resiliency for all

We want to make sure every homeowner has access to green infrastructure upgrades. Nectar is a participating lender in the Massachusetts Climate Bank’s Energy Saver Home Loan Program, which helps you cut your energy use and reduce or eliminate your reliance on fossil fuels.


Reduce your carbon footprint while making improvements to your home. We offer Energy Saver loans in partnership with MassHousing and Massachusetts Community Climate Bank.

  • Loan amount between $10,000 – $100,000
  • Fixed low-interest rates
  • Up to 20-year terms
  • Secured by a second mortgage 
  • Only available to owner-occupied 1-4 family properties 
  • Borrower(s) must make less than $190,755 and meet any program eligibility

Energy Saver Home Loans are made in partnership with Concierge Service Providers (CSPs), who will guide you through all aspects of the home energy improvement process.

Contact the CSP listed for your community to confirm your eligibility for the Energy Saver Home Loan Program and discuss the next steps.

If you live in…Contact
Andover, Haverhill, Lawrence, Methuen, North AndoverAll In Energy
[email protected]
Barnstable County, Dukes County, Nantucket CountyCape Light Compact
[email protected]
All other Massachusetts communitiesCenter for Eco Technology (CET)
[email protected]

Interested in an Energy Saver Home Loan?

We’re here to help. Contact the Nectar Residential Team to learn more.